Software Development
Project Manager, System Design Phase Lead
Co-authored manual/userdocs, Co-presented project, Designed primary UI layout, Designed Product Logo, Produced final product deliverable
InterruptED was a real-world client software engineering project delivered as an almost ready-to-distribute software product.
The software was proposed by Dr. Pat Mirenda, a professor at the University of British Columbia in the field of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education.
The objective was to develop a unique software package to help high-functioning autistics with improving their communication. This is very experimental as no other software exists in the market that has addressed the specific issue of interruptions.
InterruptED Logo
We had brainstorming sessions after coming up with our team name to create an also catchy product name. Our software was aimed to improve communication skills, but specifically, interruptions. Thus, InterruptED, educational software for interruption. Get it? :)