We will be having our final presentations with the client on Apr 10 2006 - 10AM @ SCARFE TBD
Please be early as we will be meeting in front of the building beforehand.
1. Submit final deliverables tonight
2. Work on Mac installer
3. Other optimizations
We may need a second meeting this week to plan/practice our presentations
1. Implementation Progress
2. Test Plan Progress
3. Media Development Progress
4. Presentation Discussion
5. Manual Documentation Discussion
We are meeting early tomorrow around 11-12 for filming and projector testing
1. Implementation Progress
2. Media Development Progress
1. Implementation Progress
2. Media Development Progress
1. SDS Wrap Up
2. Implementation Discussion
3. Any decisions for the media content
1. SDS Revisions and Updates and other issues with inconsistencies
2. Implementation Discussion
1. SRS Analysis
2. Project Plan Analysis
3. SDS Assignments
Agenda for tomorrow:
1. Team Name
2. Software Title / Name
3. SRS Progress
The client meeting was recorded on mp3 format and can be accessed at http://www.umobileco.com/cs319/clientmeeting-jan24.mp3.
This link may be taken down without notice due to bandwidth issues.
The sections may be changed later on depending on the client meeting on Monday Jan 23.
The team name is also under discussion as it also depends on the actual nature of the project.